Sunday, July 12, 2009

not meant to be..

hai hai hai hehe.. harusnya sih skarang gue bkin bku harian mos, cuma gue lagi tertarik banget ama lyricnya lagu yg gue knal lwt OST Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen judulnya "Not Meant To Be" yang nyanyi band theory of deadman..

lagunya enaak banget. pertama kali denger langsung jatuh cinta banget haha.. ga hanya am lagu ini sih.. sma lagu" OST TF 2 yg laen juga kyk lagu "This is it", "New Divide", "Never Say Never", "I Don't think I love You", "Real World", etc.. (spy cpt jhaha) ni lyricnya "Not meant to be" by Theory Of Deadman..

"Not Meant To Be"

It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you wanted from me
And knowing that if I give that to you
I might just disappear

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be

It's never enough to say I love you
No, it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe
That's theres no way out for you and me
And it seems to be the story of our lives

Nobody wins when everyone's losing


There's still time to turn this around
You could be building this up instead of tearing it down
But I keep thinking
Maybe it's too late


It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, baby I'm sorry to see
Maybe we're not meant to be

knpa yg gue post lyricnya lagu ini?? krna gue merasa lagu ini pas banget am prasaan gue yg lagi campur aduk ga jelas nano banget udh kyk gado" (lhee? haha).. ga pas" amt sih, tapi yaa gue bertanya" apakah gue n dy ini emg not meant to be mknya jdi kyk gni critanya..

intinya sih skarang gue pasrah aja trxra dy mo kyk apa , klo dy baca, i hope u understand it..

and, i don't know can we get through all of this or not.. i hope we can, but if we can't it's OK.. thx for being my friends ;)

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